Featured Member
We are proud to showcase the talent of our members. Featured below is the latest spotlight. Please get to know your fellow business by stopping by, purchasing, or just saying 'hi'.JellyNeck Solutions, Inc

1542 W Sherwin AveChicago, IL 60626
Description: http://www.jellysites.com/
Discount: 773-789-9327
: Based in Chicago's Rogers Park, JellyNeck Solutions, Inc builds affordable custom-designed websites for small businesses. We are an "A plus" rated accredited business with the Better Business Bureau, and have been designing websites for over 15 years. Included with every site is a content management system (CMS), web hosting, tech support, site updates, and old fashioned "hand-holding".
: Jefferson Park Members are eligible to receive a 10% discount for website design. Just mention during initial contact.